Full recording by The Constella Orchestra
chamber orchestra
Written for the Constella Orchestra and first performed at St. Margret's Church, SE London on the 14th April 2012 by the orchestra, conducted by the composer.
Awarded ESO & PRS Composition Prize 2014
2,2,2,2 | 2,2,0,0 | timp. | strings
Programme Note
Materia Medica is the Latin term used to describe substances with therapeutic properties. In Homeopathy Materia Medica is an encyclopaedia of remedies. It specifies in detail the symptoms, conditions and personalities of each remedy, which when matched with the individual, promote healing. This piece uses twelve widely used homeopathic remedies and translates their properties into musical characters, with each character assigned to an instrument of the orchestra. The musical material used to define these remedies fuses with the central motif, just as the remedies themselves are used to combine with the body’s immune system.
Below lists which instruments are paired with which remedy in order of hearing.
Oboe - Belladonna
Viola - Arsenicum
Violin I - Pulsatilla
Clarinet - Phosphorus
Timpani - Hepar Sulph
Horn - Arnica
Cello - Aconite
Bassoon - Nux Vomica
Violin II - Sulphur
Trumpet - Silica
Flute - Hypericum
Double Bass - Gelsenium
This music is available to hire. Please get in touch. The score may be purchased for £15.00 excluding postage.
Perusal Score
Please note that this music is in copyright and it is illegal to copy or perform from the perusal score.
Performance History
14th April 2012 - The Constella Orchestra, St. Margret's Church
17th Nov 2012 - Manchester University, Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall
28th April 2014 - ECO Orchestra, Apothecaries Hall